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Dunsmuir, CA. Posted on 05/25/2002. |
This first in a series of posts about travel takes us to Dunsmuir, CA, a riverside town 10 miles south of Mount Shasta. Formerly dependent on the railroad for its economy, the shutting down of the timber industry in upstate California has forced the town to seek it's fortunes in tourism. I've visited Dunsmuir a few times in the last 4 or 5 years, and was surprised to see that it seems to be failing -- more businesses were shuttered, and there simply wasn't a whole lot going on. One pleasant discovery was our lodging -- the Caboose Motel in Railroad Park, just on the southern end of town. Don't let the concept fool you--I had feared that a motel comprised of modified caboose cars would be a rather gauche, plasticky affair. However, the set up is truly delightful. Each caboose car is decked out in with an art deco vibe from the 30s and 40s. They're arranged around a babbling artificial creek that runs into a little pond, situated right by the actual Sacramento River. The room, though small, was well-enough appointed, the most delightful feature being the lookout perch sticking out the middle of the car. By the time we checked in, we had driven ourselves out; thankfully, the restaurant in Railroad Park (a converted dining car, natch), serves a selection of good standard American fare--the prime rib I enjoyed was quite tasty. So while I can't recommend visiting the main town of Dunsmuir, the Railroad Park should prove a worthwhile rest spot for folks traveling in the area.
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Previous entry: "Intranets For People." Next entry: "Don't Get Burned By Bad Citations."
COMMENT #1 peter! my grandmother lives in dunsmuir! she's 97, the town matriarch, and lives as a bachelorette right on dunsmuir ave. now i would agree that the town is a bit dead for the 20-30 somethings, but the surrounding area is beautiful to take in... there's casle crags (rock formations), shasta lake (in the town of shasta) and one of the most beautiful mountains in the US in Mt. Shasta just a few miles away. if you ever get a chance to go to Mt Shasta, make sure you try renting a mountain bike, take it up the mountain on a lift and rocket on down. it's a rush (and a bit crazy). wow. never thought i would find someone that visited dunsmuir. wild... -sean
Posted by Sean Patrick Coon @ 06/11/2002 10:03 AM PST [link to this comment]
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