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May 05, 2003

Newsletters worth subscribing to

Ramana Rao's Information Flow. Ramana was at Xerox PARC, and is now at Inxight, and thinks a lot of smart thoughts about information, information visualization, etc. He's begun a list of "49 Classics of Information Flow" which promises to be a tasty set of pointers.

Complexity Digest. A mix of super-academic and layperson-accessible links to articles on various subjects dealing with complexity, social networks, evolution, etc. etc.

Posted by peterme at May 5, 2003 12:06 PM

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Tracked on May 9, 2003 07:59 PM


So I take it you'll be heading down here for BayCHI next week when Ramana speaks at the monthly meeting?

More info: http://www.baychi.org

Posted by: ML at May 6, 2003 08:37 AM

my name is Kirill Vyatchin, I'm an interaction designer from Ukraine.

I have a favour to ask of you, would you please fix your RSS export. Now it shows only fragment of each entry.

Just replace "MTEntryExcerpt" with "MTEntryBody" in the "description" tag of your RSS-template.

Posted by: Kirill Vyatchin at May 9, 2003 01:19 AM

ramana provides insight no other blogger does. Additionally inxight is one to watch in the search, information, and knowledge management spaces.

Posted by: keith knutsson at May 9, 2003 09:47 AM

Yes, Inxight is indeed a very interesting company. Specially now that they have changed direction from being a toolkit provider to sell complete solutions directly to end-users.

The growing interest for "information flow" is in my view a symptom of inadequate search solutions. I think that we need to move "beyond search" and explore other means of digesting information. Text Mining and textual analysis are good examples of such areas - here old timer IBM with their $100 million web mining project WebFountain is bound to raise some eyebrows when they finally are stepping out of the Almaden Research Center.

Posted by: Mikael (unstruct.org) at June 5, 2003 02:54 AM

Im a homo

Posted by: Michael Goldenberg at October 6, 2003 04:40 PM