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October 01, 2005

Podcast I Like: The Word Nerds

Finding good podcasts has been remarkably difficult. The various services (Odeo, Podcast Alley, Loomia) have terrible terrible search and browse mechanisms. But, with my new Nano, I wanted something to accompany the walking part of my commute.

One podcast I've gotten to like is The Word Nerds. It's a weekly program by three high school teachers who love words. And hey, I love words, too! The production quality is actually pretty good, and it's clear they've learned a lot by modeling themselves on NPR shows. My only complaint is that the musical interludes are a) overlong and b) poorly programmed.

My favorite show so far is "Regional Speech and Our Roots." Long ago I wrote about regionalisms here and here (scroll down to February 4, 1999).

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Posted by peterme at October 1, 2005 10:45 AM

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Peter, thanks for link to the Word Nerds. Sounds like an interesting podcast (and educational, too). I only recently started listening to podcasts, but my favorite grouping so far is from IT Conversations. There name is a misnomer, though, since they broadcast Tech Nation and BioTech Nation from NPR's Dr. Moira Gunn. I've found lots of good listening through subscribing to ITC and just seeing what comes down the pipe each week.

I also recently got hooked on another podcast: Security Now. The episodes are short in length, but full of good reporting on the latest in computer security.

Posted by: Lance Willett at October 1, 2005 01:11 PM

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