Why my participation on this site, and mailing lists, and other places, is currently light
I have my fingers in many pies.
Leading a Big Client project (strategy, research, design)
Separately, managing a team of 5 practitioners
Adjunct role on an internal redesign team
Adjunct role on an internal brand team
Planner of weekly brownbags
Attend management meetings
Putting together plans for a book
Advising on our UX Week workshop
Getting increasingly involved with company oversight
Assisting with our consulting sales process
Assist with specific sales opportunities
Assisting with our project staffing
Talk to and vet potential contractors
Attend recruiting days at key schools
"Develop the practice" -- whatever that means
Weekly board meetings
Develop a business plan
Plan a major fall conference
Other things
Speaking at the IA Summit
Moderating a panel at South by Southwest
Write a column for the ASIS&T journal
Conduct an extended conversation with GK Van Patter at NextD
Figuring out the right messages to get invited to speak at other conferences
Buying a car (#368)
Working with my parents to buy them a house
Things I'm not doing
Yard work
House cleaning
Financial planning and management
Overseeing work on the house (new back deck, build out the attic)
Engaging with my neighborhood associations
I'm sure there are other things. . .