YouTube 2022 Reflections, Part 1: Silliness.

[I watch a lot of YouTube. It’s the first thing I select when I turn on the TV, seeing what new material has been added. YouTube may feel overwhelming considering how much is there (and how much is just sooooo bad). So, I thought I’d share the Good Stuff I found this past year, posted in 4 parts.]

Reminiscent of PES, an old favorite of mine, tomosteen creates jaw-dropping, clever, and silly stop-motion animations, typically involving cooking, either with LEGO or dice. The attention to detail is startling, with incorporating things like fluid motion you wouldn’t expect.

The one I’m embedding is technically from 2021, but I don’t think I saw it until this year.

Maybe I can interest you in some anti-music? Or, maybe, music that somehow leaves no impression? At some point this year I was pointed to Sounds of the Department Store 1979, pressed play, and minutes later, realized the video was still going even though my brain was no longer processing the sound it was making.

I probably don’t need to pump a teaser trailer for a movie from a major studio, but this minute-long video elicited an audible guffaw.

A new Bad Lip Reading is always cause for celebration, and the latest, “Inspirational Holiday Video” featuring Joe Biden, does not disappoint:

A variation of the following clip has made internet rounds for years, but I was introduced via this video, which shows just how insane the drum work is. Particularly when played by someone in an evidently-awkward mascot costume. (And if you’re further intrigued, there’s an illuminating video providing backstory on this character.)

Published 10 years ago, I first saw it this year. And while it says “Sizzler Promotional Commercial 1991,” there’s nothing more deeply 80s. It’s also unintentionally bizarre. Enjoy!

A supercut of every time someone on Star Trek: The Next Generation says, “Some kind of…” It’s mesmerizing.