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  The Pointers, Followed By My Comments  

The Parody is back!

an 0sil8 parody product

Simply Porn

simply porn #1

simply porn #2

simply porn #3

simply porn #4


Jason Kottke of
0sil8 was sent a cease and desist by 3Com for his spoof of the Simply Palm ads. I believe Jason's work is pure parody, and qualifies as protected speech. Jason, by taking the Palm ads a little step further, demonstrates the foolishness (on many levels) of the original ads. We don't have the original ads, but you can see thumbnails of them at Maxi (where the campaign is well-dissed). They're also in the latest issue of Wired, if that helps.

If any 3Com flacks want to give trouble about this, fine. I'd have to wonder on what grounds they stand. This is a non-commercial site, so I'm gaining nothing financially from their trademarks. And it's very clear that 3Com itself isn't promoting porn--the logo has been altered, and everything on this page says "parody." Jason's images are art, commenting on our cultural experience.

Jason, unsure of his legal boundaries, took his parody down. I asked his permission to reprint, and he told me to go ahead. Here is Jason's parody. Enjoy! (As Jason's website is
copyright-free, I encourage you to publish these images on your own site as well. Let 3Com understand what it's facing.)