A few weeks ago, Youtube launched the ability to directly grab webcam feeds and upload them (login required) — no intermediaries.
Also around that time, I, and millions of others, bought MacBooks, each of which has an iSight camera built in. So, what are the opportunities that such Ubiquitous Personal Video offers?
Video chat is an obvious answer. But less obvious (at least to the hearing community), is how deaf people use Youtube to communicate. How does video allow for new markets for the deaf, or maybe those having trouble with written language?
We’ll also see a proliferation of software that uses video input, like the Delicious Library, which “scans” UPC symbols captured by a camera. What will it mean now that it’s so easy to catalog everything you own?
Video games such as Freeverse’s Toysight, that integrate physical input captured on video, will become more prevalent.
Will we start seeing gestural interfaces? I wave my hand in certain ways and things happen?
Who knows exactly where it will all lead, but we no need to seriously consider video not as output, but as an input device. That makes things interesting.
“Will we start seeing gestural interfaces? I wave my hand in certain ways and things happen?”
We have started already, haven’t we?
I don’t think anyone expected them to become so widespread this soon. And it does even require video input.