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Be True To Your (Public) School. Posted on 01/23/2002. |
Of the 7 Adaptive Path partners, 6 attended public colleges or universities--namely, UC Berkeley, UT Austin, University of Florida, Cal Poly, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, and, I think University of Ohio (or Ohio State... I can never remember). I don't know about the others, but I'm actually wholly a product of public education. California public education at that. I hope that I comfortably have the option to say the same about my children. (If/when I have them, many many years from now.)
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COMMENT #1 Public all the way for me, actually, straight up through grad school. Though I briefly considered going to St. John's in Houston for high school, but then passed on it because I wasn't all that interested in learning how to be a good Catholic (Something which I now regret, actually, not because I have any interest in going Catholic but more because I wish I had more of a background regarding the Christian half of the whole Judeo-Christian thing; but I suppose I could just pick up a book; which I will undoubtedly do, right after I finish "Mormons in America.") I further regret not attending because had I gone there I would've been just a year or two behind Wes Anderson (St. John's is where he did high school, and also where he shot "Rushmore"), and in my fevered imagination we would've become best friends and he would've dumped those Wilson brothers to spend time with me, and now I would be famous and starring in movies opposite Ben Stiller, instead of sitting here typing this right now.
Posted by lane @ 01/24/2002 12:01 AM PST [link to this comment]
COMMENT #2 I've attended both public (Rutgers) and private (NY University). Both were big universities divided into smaller collleges, both in the same metro area. I thought the education was comparable, which makes the public school, at a fraction of the cost, a much better value. Incidentally, the Economist published an interesting return on investment study of business schools. It turned out only the top few private schools (Harvard, Wharton, etc.)provided a good ROI, due to both the quality of education and the name recognition. Below that, you had to find a relatively inexpensive school to get any ROI; the middle tier private universities were just bad values. Not that money should be the only reason to go to college...
Posted by victor @ 01/24/2002 08:03 AM PST [link to this comment]
COMMENT #3 I'm actually glad I had a balance between catholic/private and public schools: 1-10 catholic schools(both coed and girls only) in LA County area and then jr/sr year in public high school and then off to UCI and UIUC. One thing is for sure, I get all the Jesus, Mary, Moses, Abraham jokes that seem to follow me everywhere when I mention I went to Catholic school for 10 years.
Posted by mlisa @ 01/24/2002 08:23 PM PST [link to this comment]
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