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You Say "Pop", I Say, "Soft Drink." Posted on 03/19/2002. |
So, I've found out that not everyone knows of the Web's single most useful resource: The map that shows what people around the US and Canada call carbonated beverages. It's evidence of the Web at its maximum potential. Sadly, it's also evidence of poor survey design, as only three choices are offered (scroll down on the page to submit your answers)--"pop", "soda", or "Coke". Seeing as how I call them "soft drinks" (a typical California-ism, it turns out.) Also particularly interesting is the number of folks from Massachusetts that call it "tonic." Looking at the map makes me wonder, how much the red and the blue here match up with the county-by-county results from the 2000 Election.
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COMMENT #1 I'm not going to say that beverage nomenclature isn't important, but I think it's a shame that so much time and thought is spent on this rather casual topic, which really is no more than a big burp on the radar screen of American culture, while other terminologies of greater concern are left un-studied and un-categorized. Right now I am thinking about underwear. Or is it briefs, or boxers, or undies, skivvies, bloomers, drawers or...? The truth is I don't know what I'm thinking about and I really feel let down by the Internet.
Posted by BJMe @ 03/20/2002 08:48 AM PST [link to this comment]
COMMENT #2 Peter, Peter, Peter: I'm from California and I've always said "soda." And the stats reflect this very, very important fact. Now I live on the right coast and luckily, I moved to a state where "soda" is also the prefered word. I consider myself *very lucky* to have chosen a state where I can fit in without any re-education.
Posted by Jeff @ 03/21/2002 11:24 AM PST [link to this comment]
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