Vulcan, Alberta is a small, agricultural town that, at some point a few years ago, decided to forsake its history and identity by, well, you'll just have to view the town's official website. But I guess it's working. Is this one of those things where you laugh or cry? Or both?
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COMMENT #1 It sure is working... ever see the movie "Trekkies"? This town was featured near the end, and one of the residents of this town utters the best line in the whole movie. I don't want to ruin it for those who are unfortunate enough to have never seen it, but it's easily funny enough to make whatever you're drinking shoot out your nose.
Posted by Ken K. @ 06/03/2002 02:13 PM PST [link to this comment]
COMMENT #2 I used to live south of Vulcan in Lethbridge, Alberta when I was a kid. We'd frequently pass through Vulcan on the way to Calgary or somewhere else in Alberta. It is an awesome site to see -- and one hell of a tourist idea. There's a lot more wacky stuff in Alberta including the Vegreville Easter Egg (this bastard is huge) There's a whole site of them here if you want to plan a road trip -- Hell one US dollar is worth what $1.65 Canadian -- it couldn't be cheaper.
Posted by Scott @ 06/03/2002 11:06 PM PST [link to this comment]
COMMENT #3 Ken K. - If it's the Trekkies line I'm thinking of, I definitely agree with you on the hilarity. I had to stop the movie and rewind it to make sure he actually said that. I think I found it even funnier being a female geek and having witnessed similar reactions in the past. :) In addition to the website listed above, another great site which documents Canadian roadside attractions is I, personally, have seen the world's largest lobster (New Brunswick), apple (Ontario) axe (New Brunswick), goose (Ontario), nickel (Ontario), and probably others that I have forgotten. New Brunswick is chock full of these landmarks... probably because there's not much else there to draw tourists. ;)
Posted by Karen @ 06/04/2002 09:38 PM PST [link to this comment]
COMMENT #4 I've always thought the high/low point in manufactured tourist attractions was Glendon, Alberta's giant pyrogy.
Posted by Gene @ 06/05/2002 02:32 PM PST [link to this comment]
COMMENT #5 What I've learned about Vulcan since I arrived here last week is how the "Trek" identity permeates all aspects of the town's identity and self-promotion much more deeply than your average "small town big thing." The residents of Vegreville aren't genereally obsessed with pysanka, and Glendonites don't sport pyrogy logos too openly (at least I hope not), but everything about Vulcan seems to be a little bit Trek. In this otherwise 'normal' prairie agricultural town, there are things like "Spock's Bar", window paintings in businesses of their favourite Next Generation characters, menu items in most restaurants devoted to Trek, and of course, the souvenirs. I look forward to this weekend's rodeo and "Spock Days," where I hope to get a good look at Vulcan social life.
Posted by Stacy @ 06/06/2002 05:50 PM PST [link to this comment]
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