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Oakland, CA

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McCook, NE. Posted on 06/12/2002.

lar-to-mccook (3k image)
Not the exact route taken, but close enough.

The next leg of the trip (remember the road trip I've been writing about) got us from Wyoming into Nebraska. Along the way, dad had us turn off into Sidney, NE to shop at Cabela's, a massive hunting, fishing, and outdoors retail outlet which emerges in the seeming middle of nowhere. Though not an outdoorsy person, dad is fond of outdoorsy attire.

cabelas_interior (76k image)
I've never seen so many mounted animal heads in my life.

I purchased some great chamois shirts, the kind that Eddie Bauer no longer carries (ever since they ditched their Cabela-like roots in favor of pursuing an 'urban' dollar).

I also had to take a picture of the snack truck outside:

cabelas_snacks (47k image)
One of my few trip regrets is not eating a fried candy bar. And I still don't know what grebel is.

Continuing on, we ended up in McCook, NE, where a slew of my relatives reside. I'm going to write up my family experiences separately, so for now I'll stick with what's going on around town.

Our first step was at Sehnert Bakery, which served perhaps the best coffee in the entire midwest.

sehnert (32k image)
The closest thing to a donut shop in McCook

The bakery is situated on McCook's main street (Norris Ave), which isn't half-bad, as small-town main streets go. There's a book store, decent clothing stores, even a gourmet kitchen supply store.

Dinner was eaten at The Looking Glass, where I had an absolutely abysmal shrimp scampi. Dad said his pork tenderloin was quite good, though.

We got ice cream at the local Baskin-Robbins, the quality of which surprised me... Has Baskin-Robbins had to put more fat and flavor in their ice creams in order to compete with Ben and Jerry's? The last time I had a B-R cone, it was pretty tepid stuff. The scoop I got here, though, was admirably rich.

We spent the night at my cousin Marcie's house, so I can't speak to the lodging of McCook.

7 comments so far. Add a comment.

Previous entry: "Do Not Read If You Want To Trust Your Government."
Next entry: ""Blog" entering the OED."


There actually is another shop in McCook for donuts, etc.. it is owened by a couple that came from Austrailia to buy the shop.. I cannot say how their foods, pastries, or coffees are though.. It is a bit off the beaten path for visitors, so not a wonder you didn't stop for a taste there..
Posted by a.m. @ 06/12/2002 01:27 PM PST [link to this comment]

Er... shrimp in the midwest? Peter, you should know better. Have the cow next time.
Posted by Foodie @ 06/12/2002 01:34 PM PST [link to this comment]

Wow. Cabela's looks just like wall drug.

I miss wall drug. the two best donuts of my life: wall drug and the pier at brighton beach. Both fresh out of the oil. yum.
Posted by christina @ 06/12/2002 04:31 PM PST [link to this comment]

Did you say you stayed at Marcie's of McCook? Please tell me more about her, I hear she's really hot!
Posted by Dr. Bob @ 06/12/2002 04:50 PM PST [link to this comment]

Are there any Nebraskans out there who can translate or describe those exotic food truck signs? Fried candy bars, Flowerin' onion, grebel, etc?
Posted by BJMe @ 06/14/2002 10:22 AM PST [link to this comment]

I've since learned that grebel are biscuits.
Posted by peterme @ 06/14/2002 11:22 AM PST [link to this comment]

A flowerin' onion is a whole onion sliced open and deep-fat-fried. (Recipe.) Grebel and fried candy bars must be a Western-Nebraska thing.
Posted by Ev. @ 06/16/2002 02:11 PM PST [link to this comment]

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