July 16, 2005
I interview Jared Spool
In the latest Adaptive Path newsletter, you can find snippets of an interview I conducted with Jared Spool. Our original discussion lasted almost two hours -- the thousand-some words here can be considered the "highlight reel."
Topics discussed: Probing business issues, setting up user research, hiring theater people, and common mistakes!
Jared is joining us in Washington, D.C. for our User Experience Week.
July 15, 2005
Designing for the Sandbox - Slides
In 100 minutes I'm giving a talk at WebVisions 2005 titled "Designing for the Sandbox." If you'd like to follow along remotely, I've uploaded my slides. (2.5 MB PDF) The slides have notes and everything, so it shouldn't be just an incomprehensible set of images.
If you read my control essay, and my posts on "Designing for the Sandbox" and "Create Value while Relinquishing Control", you know the basic gist.