I laugh every time I think of a Canadian history magazine being named “The Beaver.”
Category: linkblog
Radiolab: Animal Minds
You should simply subscribe to the whole Radio Lab podcast, and if you need convincing, this latest episode on “Animal Minds” will sway you.
The Coast of Dystopia
Is The California Dream in tatters? It sure feels like it, though the state is still hard to resist.
Mobile-phone culture: The Apparatgeist calls
Healthy reminder of how you cannot assume standard behavior when it comes to product use across cultures. I’m wary of the “Apparatgeist” – I tend to agree with Mimi Ito.
Time Your Attack: Oracle’s Lost Revolution
Timing is everything, and 1999 was simply too soon for what proved to be many great ideas. (I worked at Epinions, which pre-saged much of “Web 2.0”.) An instructive article, though I wonder if, in part, Ellison doesn’t get the support/hype he seeks because, by all accounts, he’s such a dick.
A Note on the Word “Zorkâ€
Those of us who grew up playing Infocom’s interactive fiction should appreciate this.
Architectural lessons from Die Hard
BLDGBLOG examines the inappropriate traversing of architectural spaces in Nakatomi Plaza.
A Peek Into Netflix Queues
In the East Bay, what’s most stark are the racial divisions by neighborhood. White people watch , black people watch Lakeview Terrace.
My slidecast “Experience is the Product” hits 400,000
After 2+ years, it still has tremendous legs.
Carl Nolte’s “Native Son” Column
Every Sunday, Chronicle reporter Carl Nolte indulges in San Francisco history. His latest provides a Google tip: for historic films of San Francisco, just type “San Francisco 1905” or some other year, and enjoy the show!