Oh, this is awesome. And includes such delights as “exorcism”, “phrenology“, “leeches“, and “cupping“.
Category: linkblog
The Known Universe (video)
Like Powers of 10 with real data. I’m a sucker for these scale-of-things movies.
Home Made Violet Hour
Bartender at one of Chicago’s leading cocktail joints offers his recipes up for anyone to try. Some look awesome.
Sci-Fi TV Gets Frisky
Interview with Caprica creators. The DVD movie was solid. Looking forward to the show, especially since they’ve removed Espenson as showrunner (she was the weakest BSG writer).
Presentation by Ed Catmull, President of Pixar
Called “Keep Your Crises Small”. Low-key but informative, similar themes explored in his HBR essay.
What is Interaction Design History? « Karen McGrane
I haven’t had time to read these presentations from her SVA class, but I know that Karen knows her stuff.
The Anthropology Song
This YouTube video is surprisingly sweet, and affirming for all those who value the study of anthroplogy!