it's not peter you, it's... Peter Merholz's Web Site
April 17,1998 I'm getting ready for my first CHI conference, a definite Rite Of Passage for any burgeoning Interaction Designer (for those keeping score, that's my title). I haven't been attentive of my site, as I seem to be preoccupied of late. At Web.Builder '98 usability analyst Jared Spool spouted his hooey about how Web site usability. Jared: your study looked at BADLY DESIGNED SITES. No one in their right minds considers Disney, HP, or anyone you looked at to be 'best of breed.' Of course they performed poorly on usability studies. Your methods are pretty good, but your extrapolations are often ludicrous, and potentially to the detriment of the still sorely inadequate Web design industry. Such as it is, the only person doing worthwhile usability studies and site criticism is still Jakob Nielsen. |