Top Chef: Season 9, Episode 10: Restaurant Wars

This episode was indicative of the season as a whole: meh. I had thought that the first episode premise of whittling 29 chefs down to 16 was going to deliver us a higher caliber of contestant. However, this crew is decidedly middling, and is providing for some uninspired television.

This week gave us every TC fan’s favorite event: Restaurant Wars. The primary difference between this season and prior ones is that instead of both teams opening on the same night, they did so on successive nights. The Boys ended up going first, and I think this proved to be a huge disadvantage, because this has been an exhausting season, and the prior BBQ challenge lead to a sleepless night. The girls had a day to rest, whereas the boys just had to keep hammering at it, and I think it contributed to their inability to execute well.

I loved that Chris referred to Restaurant Wars as Top Chef’s Kobayashi Maru (even if he supposedly mispronounced it). More pop culture geekery please!

That the women won ran contrary to what typically happens in Restaurant Wars (or any group challenge on Top Chef), because they were also clearly the more dysfunctional. The men were far more inclined to pull together, but as a group they were so off their game it didn’t matter. The women, particularly Lindsay and Sarah, were the kind of flaming bitches that typically torpedo a team’s efforts. I was literally yelling at my television when Lindsay went back into the kitchen for the umpteenth time. She was simply a disaster. It speaks to the strength of their food (and the weakness of the mens’), that there inability to actually work as a team did not sink them.

Grayson gets big props for being the only woman who had her head together and made an honest attempt to keep things moving. And what kind of delicious irony is it that the least team-capable, Beverly, won the challenge? Particularly when the Mean Girl duo could clearly not accept it, even though they put in a subpar performance.

Once again, Last Chance Kitchen proved more engaging than the main event. (Unlike on Survivor, where Redemption Island felt like a misfire from pretty much the get go). Perhaps it’s time to rename Nyesha “The Hammer,” because she once again dispatched her foe, this time using a combination of cunning (taking Tylor’s friend to be her sous) and execution. At this point, it would be quite disappointing if Nyesha doesn’t make it back into the main competition to prove her mettle.

Geek raising a non-geek

My son, Jules, is 3. It’s the age where he very much gets interested and excited about things. He was an astronaut (“on a rocketship to the moon”) for Halloween, and loves looking at the moon, and playing with toy space shuttles and rocketships. He likes racecars, airplanes, robots, and castles.

In talking to other parents, or observing their children, you often seen kids who are kind of obsessive cataloguers and identifiers. Who know how to tell different airplanes, or dinosaurs, or heavy machinery apart. Who are, in other words, proto-geeks.

My son, however, translates his passion differently. What he does is develop just enough understanding of a subject so that he can insert himself into a narrative with it. He’s less interested in knowing the different types of rocketships than he is telling a story of those rocketships flying around, ideally with Jules at the helm. When Jules reads books, or plays with his toys, he’s always inserting himself into it–“Jules is driving that car,” “Jules is flying that airplane,” “Jules is a bad guy in the castle.” (I love that at the age of 3 he’s realized it’s more fun to play the villain than the hero.)

Thing is, when I was a kid, I was fairly far along the geek spectrum. I didn’t play with action figures — I wouldn’t have known what to do with them. I was an early reader, and had a thing for numbers, so when I was a 3, 4, 5, I was reading books; I was playing with my mom’s LED calculator, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing, just to see what happened; I was watching baseball and rattling off facts and figures. The first toys I really enjoyed were electronic — Mattel Football and Simon.

In the last 10-20 years, there seems to have been a swell of resources for parents on being geek-supportive. Do we now need resources for us geeks raising non-geek children?

Why aren’t the Apple sites linking to this?

I’m something of an Apple fanboy (my first computer was an Apple ][e, I was the one kid on my dorm floor with a Mac SE, I own a MacBook Pro, iPad, and iPhone, and I follow a bunch of Apple blogs), so I was quite interested in as my podcast app served up the the latest episode of This American Life, “Mr Daisey and the Apple Factory.” The first half of the podcast comes from Mike Daisey’s monolog “The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs”, wherein he describes what he found when he travelled to Shenzhen and talked to people who worked at Foxconn (which builds Apple’s products) and other factories. In short, what he found was quite distressing — overwork, health issues, blacklists for employees who complain, and more. The second part is a fact-check of his reporting, which basically states that, yeah, much of what Daisey says holds up.

This is an extremely important story about globalization, manufacturing, our fetishizing of consumer electronics, corporate responsibility, and at the heart of it all is Apple. Which leads me to wonder, why haven’t any Apple blogs (at least the 10 or so I follow) linked to this yet? These are sites that will spill a 1000 words of electronic ink on wholly unsubstantiated rumors. Why isn’t this rigorously researched piece with Apple at the heart warranting a mention? (In particular, I’m looking at you, Daring Fireball.) I suspect it’s because Mike Daisey has the temerity to suggest that Apple (and its customers) are supporting some rather heinous work practices, and we’d all just rather stick our fingers in our ears and go “la la la.” Which is disheartening. This story is big, important, and meaningful.

I Have A New Job: VP of User Experience at Inflection

Last March, I went out on paternity leave for the birth of my daughter Dorothy. Knowing I’d not have the opportunity again, I took as much time off as I could. During that time, I realized that I was no longer passionate about design consulting. Having done it for over 10 years, I felt it was no longer giving me the kind of creative challenge that I sought.

If you’ve followed my writing and speaking the last few years, you’ll see that it’s all about how to make customer-centered organizations, and how businesses need to enact a deep, fundamental change by embracing humanity. As a consultant, I could prescribe means for doing that, but I could not really make it happen, because that kind of organizational change requires day-in, day-out engagement over months and years.

So, after my paternity leave, I began the slow process of leaving consulting, and, with it, Adaptive Path. I will delve into those details more in further posts, but suffice to say it took about 6 months (and conversations with Amazon, Intel, Google, Facebook, Intuit, and Samsung, among others) before I found a great match.

And that match, surprising even to me, is Inflection. Surprising because I had never heard of them before trolling LinkedIn one night, and I had no intention of joining a Silicon Valley startup. I’d already done that (scroll down to October 12), and was wary of the common startup expectation that I would give my life over to a company. Nor did I want to get caught in a strictly-web world — my projects for the last few years have spanned devices, platforms, and contexts. VC-backed companies often give me the willies, as what VCs want and what I want are often diametrically opposed. And the idea of commuting to the peninsula made me die a little inside.

Yet for every reservation I had, Inflection had a great response. It is not a face-time, grind-all-the-time company. People keep reasonable hours. People are encouraged to work from home two days a week (as Matthew, the CEO, put it to me, “I don’t get anything out of having you in a car.”) The business was profitable before it took a dime of VC money, which meant we were able to get very good terms. And while, yes, we are a very webby company, we get our revenues through subscriptions, which means we are, in fact, a service firm, and I will bring to bear my full bag of service design tricks to make sure we’re delivering the best we can.

After nearly 11 years, it was no easy task to leave Adaptive Path. A company I helped start, and one where I was deeply involved in its growth and evolution. And if I were still passionate about design consulting, there’s no way I would have left — Adaptive Path is easily the best such place to work for, in terms of freedom, flexibility, creative challenges, clients, and great colleagues. But, I had to follow my muse, and that meant moving on.

I started at Inflection January 2, and spent this first week getting up to speed on just what exactly we do. I’m excited for the opportunities, and you should expect to see some pretty amazing stuff from us in the next 3 to 6 months.

(And if you want to take part, we have positions open for pretty much all manner of UX professional, as well as engineering, marketing, etc. My priority is finding a senior UX designer, preferably someone with 5-7 years of work at a place like Google, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Netflix, etc… Someone who knows how to do great UX in an agile environment that is about to scale something fierce. If you are that person, or know that person, please reach out to me at peter AT inflection DOT com.)

Top Chef, Season 9 Episode 9: BBQ Pit Wars

Remember: there will be spoilers.

Oh, I did enjoy this episode. Good cooking, some drama, and another win for Paul’s Wonder Palate.

A month ago, I tweeted:!/peterme/status/144464363649122304
. . . and I still wanted to every time his face popped up on the television screen. Doubtless, Myhrvold is a brilliant polymath. He also comes across as a ragingly condescending jerk.

I enjoyed the Quickfire because it was a good, honest cooking challenge. I was a little surprised Ty-lor won it with his watermelon, which made me all the more want to eat it.

Beverly is a near total disaster. Her spraying Padma and Nathan with foam was just weird. What got me to laugh, and laugh out loud for a long time took place during the BBQ challenge, with her oddly calm reaction to the fire ranging on the camper stove. She didn’t seem to think a giant fire in such a confined space was problematic until the smoke detector went off. That scene (embedded here) is a master class of comic editing, with Malibu’s commentary (“She’s missing a few chapters”) as the coup de grace.

Though you do feel somewhat badly for Bev, considering she seemed to have been made a prisoner of her own home by her parents, and this is very likely why she has such trouble out in the world.

The BBQ challenge was a great one (like the chili challenge). It’s regional, it should be really tasty, and the circumstances lead to great (if loopy) TeeVee. Sadly, only one of the three teams really stepped up. Paul wins again with a combination of flavors that when you hear about it makes you scrunch up your face, but delivers on deliciousness. Grayson and Lindsay are lucky to have been on his team.

Grayson once again gets more than her fair share of screen time, first for the “sex in the mouth” comment, and then for her “Little Green Frog” song, which I’m sure made many across America pause on this frame:


That bit of unbridled goofiness made me think she simply does not belong with the cynicism and hard-bittenness of New York, however many “bangin'”s or “true dat”s she utters. She’s simply too sweet and goofy.

Anyway, not particularly sad to see Malibu go. While he was among the more entertaining to watch, he was clearly not at the caliber of the other chefs (nor Nyesha, it turns out). And his “art” was a little off-putting.

What’s With the Tats? Chefs and NBA Stars

In the only appropriate way to celebrate the season, today marks opening day of the NBA. And throughout the day, viewers will gaze upon a remarkable display of tattoos sported by the Association’s players.

As you all know, I’m a huge fan of Top Chef, and this season we’ve seen quite a display of tats, even on the otherwise meek Beverly.

And it lead me to wonder, what is it about these two professional subcultures that tattoos are expected?

A google search for “chef tattoos” turns up many results, such as “Chef Tattoos” and “Chef Tattoos: Top Chefs Share Their Ink”, but I haven’t found anything that helps dig into the more cultural/anthropological aspects of the tattoos — where did it come from, what does it signify, how is it used to establish in-and-out groups.

With the NBA, there’s clearly something going on with African-American street culture, quite possibly gang and prison culture, but for the life of me I cannot find any good explications of permeation of tattoos in the NBA, and what it means.

So, it looks like I’ll have to wait for Golden State Warriors point guard Stephen Curry to get back to school. It turns out he’s writing his thesis “on the relationship between basketball players and tattoos.” I can’t wait!

Top Chef, Season 9, Episode 8: Tribute Dinner

Reminder: there will be spoilers.

Let’s cut to the chase: thankfully, Heather is gone. And not just because she’s a bossy, mean, bitch who got caught retweeting naughties and so had to protect her Twitter feed. But because, as she demonstrated last week in her own commentary, she’s a simple-minded chef, who says she has a “rustic style”, and who mishandled the beef in her, you know, BEEF Stroganoff. Good riddance.

Unlike the last few episodes, I liked both challenges. They’ve recognized that Quickfire challenges are just kind of puffery, so they let it be run by Twitter (I loved the ‘hand an ingredient to a chef that they’ll have to use” twist, but was disappointed at how unimaginative the chefs were with it). Paul wins with a bizarre combination of ingredients, once again proving he’s some kind of flavor-combining savant, like a Neo of the palate.

I have no idea why Patti Labelle was a guest judge — apart from being a performer, she has no connection at all to Austin. At least she was charming and even witty.

I really dug the elimination challenge. I even teared up hearing a couple of the stories (and I watch while exercising). I love challenges where there are no excuses, no real limits — just cook something great. And the connection to someone they loved finally pushed some people to go beyond safe or merely good, and try some really interesting stuff.

And some who failed. Maybe instead of calling Chris C “Malibu,” they’ll call him “Albumen” now. And Grayson. I’m actually a fan of the Wisconsin schtick, but that slab of meat just looked unappetizing. And, um, don’t say, “True ‘dat.” (Also, if you’re not the fanboy I am, you might not know that Chris C and Grayson are the leaders in the “fan favorite” poll on Bravo’s site. Chris C’s wide margin suggests Top Chef‘s audience skews female and/or gay.)

I very much want to eat Ed’s bibimbap and Sarah’s cabbage roll-stuffed-with-sausage. Maybe at the same meal!

I think Nyesha might prove herself to be the Ozzy of the Last Chance Kitchen. She’s enough of a badass that I’d like to see her wield a katana as she slices through the competition.

Top Chef, Season 9, Episode 7: Game On

I found this a resoundly disappointing episode. I’m dismayed that the chefs aren’t bringing it. They’re not goading one another to do amazing things. There aren’t enough super chefs blowing people away that everyone feels like they have to raise their game. I’m definitely pining for season 6, when the Voltaggio brothers, Kevin, and Jennifer just blew people away.

Oh well.

The quickfire was so dominated by the discussion of tequila that they pretty much for got to talk about the food. And when Tim Love grinned, it blinded my eyes with all the pearly white.

The elimination challenge was a train wreck. Heather, she of the villain edit, just digs herself deeper and deeper. It’s pretty clear that she’s at best a mediocre chef (at least in this crowd), but she clearly thinks she can do no wrong. I’ve worked with people who, when the shit starts hitting the fan, all they do is point fingers elsewhere, and refuse to accept any blame. Her belief that the reason she was picked out for elimination was because the contestants feared her after her previous win was the height of self-delusion.

And I haven’t even gotten to her bizarre treatment of Beverly throughout the episode. She clearly had so little confidence in Beverly from the start that she never got herself into a place where she could actually work with her. And Heather’s whole “I do rustic farm-to-table and all she does is Asian” smacks of incompetence–no great chef blathers on about supposed styles like this. They just cook great food.

And it doesn’t help, as I’ve mentioned before, that Bev is pretty much a tightly wound bundle of nerves. There couldn’t have been a worse pairing for a team, and it makes you wonder if it was truly random. Though, oddly enough (and it’s easy to forget in all the drama), they didn’t lose! In fact, they might have been on the top of the bottom.

Poor Grayson, paired with crazy Chris J. Poor Nyesha, paired with Dakota’s underdone venison. Grayson continues to be a crowd-pleaser (and it’s not just me, judging by the voting), and I’m happy she’s still cooking.

It’s unfortunate that I’m enjoying Last Chance Kitchen perhaps more than the main show. I like that the focus in not on the bullshit, but the food, and I love the emerging Greek chorus of ousted chefs (all dudes… until next time!). Nyesha is clearly so much more talented that the others that it wasn’t a fair fight. I expect her to win quite a few of these.

I have to say, I’m thrilled they’re getting out of the open-air pit that is Dallas, and heading to one of America’s best cities, Austin. I hope those environs coax quality performances that Dallas just couldn’t inspire.

“Why Don’t People Do More Things That Clearly Work?”, Basketball Edition

A couple days ago, on Grantland, Chuck Klosterman wrote a piece on the Triangle Offense, employed by coach Phil Jackson on his 11 championship teams. The main thesis is that the offense isn’t really that hard to learn or execute, is remarkably effective (11 titles!), and yet no one else is doing it.

It made me think about my other big conundrum about the NBA — Why don’t any NBA big men employ the sky-hook? Mastered by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, it is perhaps the most effective offensive weapon in the history of the sport. It’s not a secret, or even a mystery — there is countless film of Kareem shooting the shot. It would take practice, but how would it not be worth practicing a shot that gets you, oh, 10 points a game? Kareem is the NBA’s all-time leading scorer — why wouldn’t you model your game after him? Was he really that anomalous?

Kurt Andersen – poster child for myopic Baby Boomers

So, I finally got around to reading the “controversial” article that Kurt Andersen wrote about how staid our pop culture has become. I was actually sympathetic to the thesis before I read the piece — I, too, have marveled at how some pop music from the 80s (e.g., Talking Heads) and 90s (e.g., Nirvana) would not be out of place today, or how we’re basically the same t-shirt-and-jeans wearing culture that I grew up with in the 70s. But it doesn’t take much thinking to realize the claim that we’re not seeing new cultural inventions is patently untrue, and smacks of pathetic Baby Boomer myopia (Andersen was born in 1954, smack dab in the heart of the Baby Boom).

It’s distressing that Andersen, who has been a leading cultural critic, is so… superficial. It seems the basis of his commentary is how people dress, shave, and what they listen to. There’s so much more to life than that.

Here are cultural items in 2011 (and a few years earlier) that are new and different, interesting, or simply even unimaginable compared to the state of cultural items in 1991.

Video games
This is probably Andersen’s most glaring oversight, and demonstration of his Boomer irrelevance. He doesn’t mention video games at all. Yet, um, this is a US$65 billion cultural product. And video games are most definitely quite different than they were in 1992.

Dining and drink
Maybe Kurt Andersen doesn’t eat out? Because menus at restaurants today are much different than they were 20 years ago. Freshness, seasonality, farm, etc., are often mentioned. Dining has gotten stranger, more adventurous, and more interesting. Farmers markets are everywhere, and folks everywhere know what a satsuma is. Food trucks have brought quality food into strange locales, and often using a fusion of foodways that had previously been unthinkable (Korean tacos, anyone?).

And then there’s the whole cocktail revolution that is occurring alongside the artisanal food movement. The playfulness and experimentation going on in bars and restaurants was definitely not the order of the day in 1991.

In international architecture, 1997 was an important year — the opening of Guggenheim Bilbao, and the beginning of the ripply-curvy-made-possible-by-CAD-and-simulations architecture. 14 years later, and Bilbao definitely looks contemporary. But, still, that’s not 20 years. And there does seem to be an emerging aesthetic around steel, glass, and wood, perhaps best embodied by the Apple Store (first opened in 2001) that is gaining in prevalence.

Two very big things in 2011 that weren’t even on the radar in 1991. The first, which Andersen himself even acknowledges, but then dismisses, are the season-long complex narratives, such as The Sopranos, The Wire, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, etc. Yes, there was Hill Street Blues back in the day, but the prevalence, and presentation, are quite different.

The other, and more obvious, is the rise of reality TV. Whether singing shows like American Idol, competition shows like The Amazing Race, Survivor, Top Chef, or Project Runway, or look-at-the-freaks like Real Housewives and Jersey Shore, reality teevee is so different than anything we saw in 1991 it’s ridiculous. Yes, The Real World was first shown in 1992, but it looks so tame as to simply outdated.

Web genres and content
Considering there wasn’t a public World Wide Web, and considering the eruption of so many new modes of expression online, it’s shocking that Andersen pretty much neglects an entire new medium. Whether “home pages”, blogs, or other personal sites, or internet memes like LOLCats or viral videos, there’s an immense category of cultural product that simply had no analog 20 years ago. And a cultural product that is not trivial, but takes up much of the attention that was devoted to more traditional media 20 years ago.

Thanks to the heaps of data we’re subject to, there has emerged an information visualization aesthetic, exemplified by Feltron, The New York Times, or tools like Google Analytics. This isn’t to say we didn’t have information graphics before, but they were fewer and much farther between, and rarely at the level of sophistication that we are getting accustomed to seeing.

And I’m sure there’s more
What I’ve written here came to me in the course of reading Andersen’s piece, and I’m sure that if I bothered to think about it and research it even for another, oh, hour or so more, I could probably double the number of entries. All of this to show that Andersen is either lazy, small-minded, or both.

One thing that he’s inadvertently picked up on, but doesn’t seem to realize, is that now that we’re not as subject to a mass culture with limited channels, cultural products no longer need to be replaced, because there’s plenty of room in the cultural landscape for new and old cultural expression to sit side by side. And because of digital records and the ease of accessing them, those old things simply don’t go away the way they used to, and so it feels like change isn’t occurring.

It’s disappointing that Kurt Andersen, the host of what is ostensibly a radio show about pop culture, seems this unaware of what is actually going on around him (and maybe this is why the show, which I used to follow religiously, has fallen off my podcast radar).