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peterme's resume    
        Work Experience  
Creative Director       Epinions.com October 1999 - present  
        Manage all aspects of the user experience, from product through marketing, for Epinions.com, a website where people help each other make better decisions.  
        peterme Problems Solved

November 1998 - present


Chief Problem Solver

      Consulted on and practiced user-centered design as an independent contractor. Projects included:
Outpost.com and Petstore.com: Competitive research, site assessment, and design for providing the best e-commerce experience.
iXL: Incorporated user-centered design methods into existing process.
Wired Digital: Performed strategic, user-based research for Hotbot.
Organic: Lead Information Architect for StanLee.net project.
Studio Archetype: Information Designer for SpringStreet.com project.


      Phoenix-Pop Productions

May 1998 - November 1998


Problem Solver

    Main responsibility was managing and implementating the interaction design and information architecture process across a range of projects, particularly with e-commerce sites and Web startups.. Most notable was Sparks.com, an online paper greeting cards store which was designed and developed from scratch at Phoenix-Pop. Introduced the notion of user-centered design to both Phoenix-Pop and its clients.  
      Studio Archetype

April 1996 - May 1998


Interaction Designer

      Implemented user-centered design principles in the creation of a number of sites for clients such as Borders.com, Kodak, and Realtor.Com. As I was among the first Interaction Designers, I helped define the role as a position sitting at the nexus of design, technology, and strategy.  

Web Developer

      Managed the client-side technology solutions for clients such as IBM, Netscape, Nintendo, Borders, 1998 Winter Olympics, 3Com, Caterpillar, and NationsBank. With IBM and Netscape, implemented some of the first Dynamic HTML to appear on major corporate web presences. Made the role of Web Developer a strategic one within the process.  
        Punditry Experience  


      Web Design and Development Conference - 1998 and 1999  

Advisory Board

      As a member of the advisory board, helped guide the conference to being the most relevant and interesting Web development conference.  
      User-Centered Design: From Concept to Product
Put forth a 13-point process for performing good user-centered design.


      Way New Interfaces: Visualizing Web Information Spaces
With Lisa Strausfeld from Perspecta, presented on exciting new methods of presenting the chaos that is Web-space.
        Seybold Seminars SF, 1998  


      Designing for E-Commerce
Spoke on the need to recognize that E-commerce is application development and cannot be treated as brochureware.


      Designing for Speed
Spoke about the necessity to consider the user experience when designing Web sites, and to not get caught up in the "fast download times" mantra.
        Seybold Seminars NY, 1998    

Panel Moderator

      Designing for DHTML
Led a discussion on developing DHTML websites, putting together a panel of both Web developers and representatives from Netscape and Microsoft.